Belonozhko Marina Lvovna
Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economy. Politics"
Head of the Department of Marketing and Municipal Administration, Tyumen Industrial University
Deputy Chairman of the dissertation council D.212.273.03 in sociological sciences at the Tyumen Industrial University (the council has been functioning since 1998)
Expert All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Youth"
Expert of the Federal Register of Scientific and Technical Experts
Honorary Worker of Higher Education
Research Interests:
- social processes in the circumpolar zone of the Russian Federation;
- higher education in the context of globalization;
- social policy of the region;
- sociology of youth.
Bibliometric indicators:
- Tyumen, st. Melnikayte, d. 70, office. 825
- e-mail:,
- tel. +7 (3452) 68-34-46